

Trucks or the Triple Curse of Remoteness

with Treb Allen, David Atkin, and Santiago Cantillo

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Waits and Delays in Road Freight Transport

PDF - Draft


A Toolkit for Setting and Evaluating Price Floors

with Santiago Cantillo

Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 232, 2024


The Traveling Trucker Problem

with Treb Allen, David Atkin, and Santiago Cantillo

AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 114, 2024

PDF - Draft version

Tunneling when Regulation is Lax - The Colombian Banking Crisis of the 1980s

with Carlos Caballero and Jorge Tovar

Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, Forthcoming 2024

PDF - Draft version

Colombia during the Great Depression

with Edwin López

In: Hsu, Sara (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023

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Colombia during the Crisis of the 1980s

with Edwin López

In: Hsu, Sara (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023

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Colombia during the Financial Crisis of the late 1990s

with Edwin López

In: Hsu, Sara (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023

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Distribución y Transporte (Transport and Distribution)

with Gordon Wilmsmeier

In: S. Camacho, N. Velasco & S. Villa (Eds.) Gestión de la cadena de abastecimiento: eslabones, herramientas y tendencias, Universidad de los Andes, 2023

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Technology Adoption and Product Diversification in the Brewing Industry over the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (dissertation summary)

Journal of Economic History, Vol. 78(2), 2018.


Dinámicas provinciales de pobreza en Colombia (1993-2005)

with Manuel Fernández, Ana María Ibáñez and Christian Jaramillo

In: Modrego Benito, Félix; Berdegué, Julio A. (Eds.) Los Dilemas Territoriales del Desarrollo en América Latina, Universidad de los Andes, 2016


Risk, Concentration and Market Power in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the Colombian System (1997-2006)

with Jorge Tovar and Christian Jaramillo

Banks and Bank Systems, Vol. 6(1), 49-61, 2011.



Adaptation and Survival in the American Brewing Industry during Prohibition

Serving the Unserved or Igniting Competition: US Brewing after Pasteurization was Invented

Willingness to Pay for Visibility Services in Trucking

with Rodrigo Mesa, Gordon Wilmsmeier, and Agustina Calatayud.


Beeronomics: How Beer Explains the World. By Johan Swinnen and Devin Briski.

In: Journal of Economic History, 78(3), p. 950-952, 2018


Cash and Dash: How ATMs and Computers Changed Banking. By Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo.

In: Business History Review, 93(1), p. 213-215, 2019


Becoming the World's Biggest Brewer: Artois, Piedboeuf, and Interbrew (1880-2000). By Kenneth Bertrams, Julien Del Marmol, Sander Geerts, and Eline Poelmans.

In: Essays in Economic & Business History, 40, p. BR3-BR5, 2022